blue background with clipart of black stick figure using a computer with 4 other stick figures on the screen; text says 100 Great Questions for the Turn Your Camera On If Game

The Turn Your Camera On If game has become very popular over the past year and a half. The game is also frequently called Camera On Camera Off and can be played on Zoom or other virtual platforms with camera access. Teachers, trainers, counselors, and youth group leaders can play this game to increase engagement and get whole groups of people participating. Below are some great questions to try when playing Turn Your Camera On If.

We have previously discussed how to play the Turn Your Camera On If game. Below are 100 great questions that will be great for young participants, adult participants, or both. Enjoy!

multi-color pastel background, large white text says Questions for Kids, on the right side is a blonde boy with glasses looking inquisitive with his right hand rubbing his chin

Turn your camera on if you…

  1. have lived in a different country.
  2. go by a nickname.
  3. play a musical instrument.
  4. have been on television.
  5. love rollercoasters.
  6. own an exotic pet.
  7. have ridden a horse.
  8. know how to use chopsticks.
  9. think that pineapple belongs on pizza.
  10. have held a snake.
  11. are an only child.
  12. have a birthday this month.
  13. like spicy food.
  14. have gotten a famous person’s autograph.
  15. like black licorice.
  16. believe that Pluto is a planet.
  17. are left-handed.
  18. have your own YouTube channel.
  19. prefer virtual learning.
  20. can juggle.
  21. speak a foreign language.
  22. enjoy camping.
  23. have been to a concert.
  24. are wearing pajama pants right now.
  25. have visited a different continent.
  26. love to cook.
  27. can surf.
  28. have travelled to another country.
  29. were born in December.
  30. have met a celebrity.
  31. are a daredevil.
  32. enjoy snow days.
  33. have been on a cruise.
  34. believe in ghosts.
  35. were named after somebody.
  36. have lived in 3 or more states.
  37. have broken a bone.
  38. are a twin.
  39. exercise every day.
  40. have read every Harry Potter book.
  41. are allergic to something.
  42. have a famous ancestor.
  43. participate in cosplay.
  44. have 3 or more siblings.
  45. believe that aliens visit our planet.
  46. are on a sports team.
  47. have artistic talent.
  48. have taken a vacation to Walt Disney World.
  49. wake up early on weekends.
  50. enjoy video games.

blue background with white text that says Questions for Adults; on the right side is a brunette woman with a peach shirt who is holding up both hands as if to ask a question

Turn your camera on if you…

  1. have worked at your present job for 5 or more years.
  2. drive a sports car.
  3. grew up in a different state.
  4. have 3 or more kids.
  5. were in the marching band at your school.
  6. are a vegetarian or vegan.
  7. know a famous person.
  8. enjoy scuba diving.
  9. can play the piano.
  10. have a tattoo.
  11. love to sing karaoke.
  12. have grandchildren.
  13. once made a New Year’s resolution and kept it.
  14. are good at math.
  15. have ever cried during a movie.
  16. eat scrapple.
  17. have been on a blind date.
  18. can do a cartwheel.
  19. don’t have Netflix.
  20. have completed a marathon.
  21. are wearing pajama pants or shorts right now.
  22. don’t drink coffee.
  23. have studied abroad.
  24. like brussel sprouts.
  25. can salsa dance.
  26. own a motorcycle.
  27. have been to a drive-in movie.
  28. believe that Bigfoot exists.
  29. live on the water.
  30. have won money at a casino.
  31. are a published author.
  32. graduated from 2 different colleges.
  33. order Chinese food at least once a month.
  34. are a military veteran.
  35. have climbed a mountain.
  36. are prepared for the zombie apocalypse.
  37. enjoy ziplining.
  38. have driven a Volkswagen Beetle.
  39. practice yoga.
  40. have travelled to Africa.
  41. own a small business.
  42. know how to water ski.
  43. have been skydiving.
  44. enjoy gardening.
  45. love to paint.
  46. have been on a gameshow.
  47. were born outside of this country.
  48. have won an election.
  49. can fly a plane.
  50. have performed in a play or musical.