This blog has allowed me to share ideas with educators across the United States and around the world. It has been very interesting to note which topics have been the most popular. Without a doubt, the most popular blog post on this site is How to Play Would You Rather During a Virtual Lesson. In the coming weeks/months, we will begin transitioning to great content that supports face-to-face and hybrid instruction. And of course, there will be an exploration of how to spice up a game of Would You Rather in your classroom.
As a huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who has found their way here over the past year, we are pleased to share these 150 great Would You Rather questions for virtual, hybrid, or face-to-face experiences.
Would you rather…
- have the power of invisibility or be able to fly?
- be the smartest person in class or the most attractive person in class?
- kiss a snake or pet a tiger?
- be totally bald or completely covered in hair?
- have a private chef or a chauffeur?
- have 20 siblings or be an only child?
- drink liquid soap or wash with orange juice?
- live in a zoo or a theme park?
- have a tail or have horns?
- be a doctor or a police officer?
- be an Avenger or a Jedi?
- have giant feet or tiny hands?
- time travel to the future or the past?
- visit a fancy resort or go camping in the forest?
- give up chocolate for a year or give up your phone for a week?
- learn a new skill by reading about it or by watching a video about it?
- take a written test or complete a group project?
- attend school in person or learn virtually?
- eat school cafeteria food for the rest of your life or work at a school for the rest of your life?
- write an award-winning script or compose an award-winning song?
- read fiction or non-fiction?
- be a comma or an exclamation mark?
- write a famous novel or write a popular screenplay?
- speak only in metaphors or speak only in rhymes?
- be a character in Harry Potter or a character in Treasure Island?
- watch a baseball game or a cricket match?
- live on a farm or in an apartment?
- be 2 ft. tall or 10 ft. tall?
- watch a football game or a rugby match?
- lose your sense of taste or your sense of sight?
- eat only fast food for a month or give up fast food for a year?
- have super strength or super speed?
- win the lottery or win the Super Bowl?
- run a marathon or earn a doctorate?
- have someone name a school after you or have someone name their child after you?
- build your own house or grow all of your own food?
- be the hero or be the villain?
- be a movie star or a rock star?
- live in the desert or on the tundra?
- have a house near salt water or fresh water?
- be an oceanographer or an astronaut?
- live where earthquakes are common or live where hurricanes are common?
- share a bed with a skunk or a porcupine?
- eat every meal with your hands or with chopsticks?
- listen only to bagpipe music for the rest of your life or eat only fruit for the rest of your life?
- have purple hair or purple teeth?
- swim in a pool of orange juice or a pool of milk chocolate?
- visit Hawaii or visit Australia?
- ride an elephant or ride a dolphin?
- have 3 eyes or have 2 noses?
- visit ancient Egypt or ancient Greece?
- be the mayor of a small town or the governor of a state?
- spend a week on the equator or in the arctic?
- meet Eleanor Roosevelt or Harriet Tubman?
- live in medieval Europe or colonial North America?
- live to the age of 40 and be wealthy or live to 100 and be poor?
- give up Netflix or give up YouTube?
- have your grandmother’s name or your grandmother’s hairstyle?
- learn to play 10 different instruments or learn to play 10 different sports?
- discover a planet or discover a new animal species?
- eat 5 snails or 10 sardines?
- be the principal of a school or the mayor of a town?
- live alone or have 8 roommates?
- meet a unicorn or meet an alien?
- speak only in rhymes or speak only in questions?
- go on an adventure or a relaxing vacation?
- wear roller skates everywhere or go bare-footed everywhere?
- have a very common name or a very unique name?
- have a photographic memory or an amazing imagination?
- be able to hear people’s thoughts or be able to speak to animals?
- eat a raw onion every day or eat a worm every day?
- have four legs or four arms?
- live in a jungle or live on a mountain?
- visit Hogwarts or visit Arendelle?
- have a pet koala or a pet kangaroo?
- win an Olympic gold medal or an NBA championship?
- be a chef or a veterinarian?
- sit perfectly still for 3 hours or ride a roller coaster for 3 hours?
- eat only Asian food or eat only Mexican food?
- fly to school in a helicopter or drive to school in a monster truck?
- give up pizza for a month or give up social media for a week?
- live in a beach house or a mountain cabin?
- get lost in the woods for a year or go to jail for a year?
- visit Mt. Rushmore or the Egyptian pyramids?
- be a cartoon character or a video game character?
- have $10,000 for yourself or give $1,000,000 to your teacher?
- eat only soup for a year or eat only salad for a year?
- lose a tooth or lose your fingernails?
- visit Mars or visit the Moon?
- swim in a pool or relax in a hot tub?
- wear the same clothes every day or eat the same food every day?
- go on a cruise or visit Walt Disney World?
- have more money or more time?
- lose your voice for a month or lose your memories for a week?
- be stuck in your bedroom or in the kitchen?
- always feel hot or always feel cold?
- share a bed with a porcupine or a skunk?
- play a video game or take a nap?
- go bungee jumping or deep-sea diving?
- run 2 miles or do 200 pushups?
- be President of the United States or the CEO of a company?
- own a minivan or a motorcycle?
- live on a cattle ranch or be part of a travelling circus?
- have a mohawk or a mullet?
- have no school on Mondays or no school on Fridays?
- smell like flowers or smell like bacon?
- water ski or snow ski?
- play checkers or chess?
- live in an area that has earthquakes or hurricanes?
- fall asleep every night at 7 pm or wake up every morning at 5 am?
- wrestle a bear or box a kangaroo?
- only listen to classical music or only listen to heavy metal music?
- be super smart or super rich?
- own a pet bird or a pet lizard?
- meet a dinosaur or meet a dragon?
- ride on a rocket or ride in a submarine?
- lose all your money or lose all your friends?
- spend 10 years on an island or in the woods?
- live in a mansion or never have to pay taxes?
- hold a rat or hold a snake?
- visit England or visit Brazil?
- be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame or the Pro Football Hall of Fame?
- be 5 years younger or 10 years older?
- always have hiccups or always sneeze?
- experience a blizzard or experience a flood?
- be a great leader or be a great friend?
- donate to a charitable organization or work for a charitable organization?
- spend the night in a swamp or spend the night in a graveyard?
- have 5 cats or have 5 dogs?
- have a high paying job or work for a great boss?
- jump into a pool of syrup or a pool of raw eggs?
- eat ice cream for breakfast or pie for dinner?
- celebrate Thanksgiving once a month or celebrate Halloween once a month?
- be great at math or great at spelling?
- learn how to surf or learn how to play the piano?
- write a hit song or invent a popular app?
- watch a Broadway show or go to the rodeo?
- eat a jar of mayonnaise or drink a bottle of hot sauce?
- have a magic wand or a flying carpet?
- participate in a snowball fight or a belly flog contest?
- learn to ride a motorcycle or a horse?
- be stung by 1 bee or eat 5 bees?
- have 20 good friends or 2 great friends?
- control the weather or read people’s minds?
- give a skunk a hug or give a porcupine a massage?
- understand all languages or have x-ray vision?
- be the fastest runner in the world or own the fastest car in the world?
- give up tacos for life or pizza for life?
- slam dunk a basketball or hit a hole in one in golf?
- take a multiple-choice test or complete a hands-on project?