Teachers are always looking for new ways to engage and educate students. Pinch cards offer simple, but powerful opportunities for students to respond to teacher questions or discussion points. As discussed in a previous blog post, the traditional model of one student...
Using choice boards just makes sense! Every individual student represents a unique blend of strengths, interests, needs, experiences, and background knowledge, so it stands to reason that a one-size-fits-all approach to assessment is not ideal. Giving students some...
Opportunities to respond (OTR) include instances where teachers elicit answers or responses from students. Unfortunately, the traditional OTR involves teachers calling on one student at a time to answer a question. When we call on a single student, it makes it easy...
Individual white boards are an extremely versatile instructional tool in both face-to-face and virtual settings. Teachers can pose a broad range of questions and prompts for students, who indicate their responses using dry erase markers. As with...
When we are teaching in a face-to-face classroom, it is always a great idea to utilize a Brain Break when needed. Virtual Learners also need opportunities to recharge and re-energize. Some folks might even argue that such activities are even more...