Icebreaker Bingo: The Ultimate Getting to Know You Game

Icebreaker Bingo is the ultimate getting-to-know-you activity for large groups.  It is perfect for students at the beginning of a school year or for adult audiences at the beginning of a workshop or conference. Beyond the classroom, you can play Icebreaker Bingo at...

Become a Better Teacher by Embracing Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a hot topic in education.  Many UDL-related books, websites, and research articles are long on jargon and short on practical ideas that you can use with your students.  This series will grow over time and offer...

How to Engage Your Whole Class with Pinch Cards

Teachers are always looking for new ways to engage and educate students. Pinch cards offer simple, but powerful opportunities for students to respond to teacher questions or discussion points. As discussed in a previous blog post, the traditional model of one student...

Choice Boards: A Powerful Way to Engage & Assess Your Students

Using choice boards just makes sense! Every individual student represents a unique blend of strengths, interests, needs, experiences, and background knowledge, so it stands to reason that a one-size-fits-all approach to assessment is not ideal. Giving students some...

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