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The Practical Side of UDL: Ideas That Will Engage & Inspire
Let's explore the 3 brain networks associated with UDL. As related posts, videos, and resources are published, they will be hyperlinked below. The items that are not currently hyperlinked represent great content that will be offered in the near future, so please bookmark this post and check back often.
Become a Better Teacher by Embracing Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a hot topic in education. Many UDL-related books, websites, and research articles are long on jargon and short on practical ideas that you can use with your students. This series will grow over time and offer...
The Pause Procedure: Offering Learners Time to Process & Reflect
Teachers tend to know a lot. It can be too easy to try cramming too much content into short amounts of class time. Research tells us that we should periodically pause during our lessons and allow students time to process and reflect. This strategy is important for all educators, whether teaching in K-12, lecturing for a college, or training adults.
Here is The Most Important Thing That Great Teachers Do When Asking Questions
Think about when you are asking questions to your class. Does this sound familiar?: You are ask a question and one or two of your eager learners are quick to raise their hands. In fact, the same few students always seem to be the first to raise their hands. Perhaps...
Brain Breaks That Will Energize, Engage, & Focus Your Virtual Students
Teachers have known about brain breaks for years, but there has never been a better time to use them than now. Virtual students sit in front of computer screens all day and need opportunities for physical movement. Brain breaks are short activities that are...
Science Choice Boards: A Formula for Authentic Assessment
This post will be short on theory and long on materials that you can use with your class. We have previously discussed the why and how of using choice boards for assessment. As follows are 5 choice boards that you can use for...
Three Virtual/Hybrid Exit Tickets That You Should Try Immediately
Exit Tickets are formative assessment activities that teachers use to collect valuable data. They can answer any number of important questions including Did my students learn what I expected them to learn? Were my teaching methods...
How to Use Simile Cards Across Content Areas
Let’s acknowledge that similes are not just for English class. Similes can present creative, fun, and deep means of synthesizing information across content areas. For this response type, the teacher will provide a selection of printed simile cards that...